Monday - Friday: 9.00am - 6.00pm

Saturday: 9.00am - 4.00pm

Dental Emergencies


Dental avulsion (knocked-out tooth)

If a tooth has been knocked-out of the child’s mouth completely, it is important to contact the pediatric dentist immediately. In general, pediatric dentists do not attempt to reimplant avulsed primary (baby) teeth, because the reimplantation procedure itself can cause damage to the tooth bud, and thereby damage the emerging permanent tooth.

Pediatric dentists always attempt to reimplant avulsed permanent teeth, unless the trauma has caused irreparable damage. The reimplantation procedure is almost always more successful if it is performed within one hour of the avulsion, so time is of the essence!

  • Recover the tooth. Do not touch the tooth roots! Handle the crown only.
  • Rinse off dirt and debris with water without scrubbing or scraping the tooth.
  • For older children, insert the tooth into its original socket using gentle pressure, or encourage the child to place the tooth in the cheek pouch. For younger children, submerge the tooth in a glass of milk or saliva (do not attempt to reinsert the tooth in case the child swallows it).
  • Do not allow the tooth to dry during transportation. Moisture is critically important for reimplantation success.
  • Visit the pediatric dentist (where possible) or take the child to the Emergency Room immediately –time is critical in saving the tooth.